Sunday, January 23, 2011

"On my own..but not really on my own"

I know this is Ol' School but I had to rock it again for you! Enjoy the psalm of these two Godly Saints.

"My soul thirsts for you O'God...I NEED MORE"

With this, I long and call for you to please bow before our Lord in prayer and lift up our Sister Trudianne to Him. She just graduated from High School and the Lord has called her to go spread a pleasing aroma of Him half way around the world - alone! What faith the Lord has graced her with. She will be staying with a missionary family in the Sawa Jungle with the Elsing Tribe until May.

You can follow what the Lord does through her here at her blog, check it out:

May we too see the beauty of what our Lord is doing to build up His Kingdom of Royal Priests. Matthew 28:18-20 reads:
And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and  make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
Often times we may read this Great Commission without the eyes of the Holy Spirit. We see only the command of what we must do and neglect the identity of our being in the identity and beauty of His doing. We try and make this passage about us and in so doing we try and make evangelism about us as well! Oh that we may see the ailing spirit in this understanding. This is the missing link of the command to go "fill and subdue" the earth given to Adam in Genesis 1:28. Jesus here tells us that we are sent into the world to subdue it and bring it under the rule of the Sovereign Lord. As the apostles did then, and as we do today, we are filling the earth with those who own Jesus as Savior and Lord. But as we go in the obedience to this call, we see the beauty of Christ displayed - the Second Adam (Rom 5:14), goes with us (v.20). It is He who ultimately is filling and subduing for the glory of His name. How the love and patience and heroic stature of Christ greatly supasses our failures and inadequacies. See the richness of His grace, of His mercy.

"My soul thirsts for you O'God...I NEED MORE"

Stay encouraged Fam!


  1. I am very impressed to see a young man as yourslef with such wonderful insight. God Bless you.

  2. wow josh my brother! thank you for your prayers. your blog both blesses, encourages, and inspires me! keep seeking our beautiful jesus!
