32 They came to a place named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, "Sit here until I have prayed." 33 And He took with Him Peter and James and John, and began to be very distressed and troubled. 34 And He said to them, "My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death; remain here and keep watch." 35 And He went a little beyond them, and fell to the ground and began to pray that if it were possible, the hour might pass Him by. 36 And He was saying, "Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what you will." (Mark 14)
Have you ever stopped to fathom the great mystery that the Saviour of the world, the God of the universe - powerful, holy, great in wonders, could not stand up under the weight of our sin and God's wrath? So great was this cup that his knees buckle and he falls to the ground! But wait, not this God; not this all powerful, all holy, all wonderous God of the universe! It can't be! IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!
What are you doing here Jesus!? You don't deserve to be deeply distressed and troubled. What did you do for heaven to be silent at your call! You are God! Isn't there any other possible way to avoid drinking this cup? All things are possible for you God? Jesus, why! Please, let me intervene.
But...His response: YET-NOT-WHAT-I-WILL-BUT-WHAT-YOU-WILL. Child, I am here because there is no other possible way for Me to bring you to Myself again, to satisfy God's holy infinite wrath against your sin and to reconcile you in your sin to the Father, declaring you as righteous - child, I am here for you. I am here because it's required. I am here because I love you.
Here, in the garden of Gethsemane, as the Saviour Jesus Christ is fallen to the ground, let us stand to witness the severity of our sin that required him to be there; the obedience of the Son which screams his love for us, the will of the Father which screams his love for us, the Spirit's presence in the Son for the Christ to obey in this agony which screams his love for us. And carrying this understanding to the cross where his love for us, his holiness, his just anger, his attributes are all displayed perfectly for us to sit under and soak up freely the blood of Christ which carries them all.
Be encouraged Fam.
Straight Up!!